Friday, May 31, 2013

10 steps to create a new possibilities for yourself & afters

Assalamualaikum Jumaat =)
kita jumpa lagi. alhamdulillah. 
harini hari finish strong kami. doakan kami. tak faham?
mesti korang bukan herbalifers. :p
herbalifers tu ape? eheee, tak faham jugak? bole je nak faham. join la kitorang.
try try datang, sekali je. lain kali taknak datang dah pun takpe je :p

JUMAAT 31/5/2013 9pm-10pm
HOM & Shake Party @Jalan Plumbum Seksyen 7 Shah Alam. FREE.

SABTU 1/6/2013 12pm-2pm
Basic Training with 3 Diamond Presiden Team Tony & Penny Wing.
ini untuk yang serius nak business. kalau tak pegi HOM Friday, akan pening2 sikit.
tapi, NO PROBLEM. nak belajar kan? datang je. kalau tak faham, bole tanya orang  =)

AHAD 2/6/2013 10am-2pm
Fiesta Academy kat De Palma Hotel, Seksyen 19. Shah Alam.
yg ni, santai2 je. kalau nak berkenal-kenalan dengan environment family herbalife, datang ler.
FREE jugak. sebab kitorg yg bayarkan untuk guests =)

hari ni, nak re-share sharings Nanny Uwais. My upline.

 Baru 22tahun, tapi sangat inspiring.
a good leader, a good motivator. kalau korang jumpa dia, lagi2 kalau yg tua daripada dia,
confirm segan giler sebab baru sedar yg kita ni banyak main2, habiskan waktu muda,
kononnya focus belajar tapi enjoy2 lebih. Uwais ni pun student je lagi,
Degree Islamic Banking Uitm Segamat. patut dapat award Tokoh Kokurikulm kott.. haha
walaupun muda, tapi sangat pandang ke depan. perangai kanak2 tapi pemikiran matang.

dia memang rajin baca buku motivasi, pegi training, belajar dengan leaders,
so sangatlah high-motivated n pandai motivate orang.. ^_^
aku je yg selalu bagi masalah kat dia. sebenarnya aku x suka cerita sangat kat dia.
sebab setiap kali cerita, mesti masalah je yg aku keluarkan.. and aku akan rasa:
hayhh~ menyusahkan orang je keje kau ni nuratiqah....
so, better aku diam je...... huhu.. tapi dia kata, nanti akan lagi sesatt..sobss T_T
tapi, kalau aku cerita kat dia, dia memang positive aje.. terlebih nutrisi kannn :p
memang tak ter-share lah semua kata2 nasihat dia kat aku..
thank you very much and SORRY very much Uwais Atiqah.
(*kembar nama sikit :p)
i LOVE u

10 steps to create a new possibilities for yourself & afters

1. Challenge your beliefs about what you can and can’t do. Maybe you are a good leader ?

2. Challenge your ideas about how things should work. Sometimes when you decide how things should be you limit your ability to be effective in the world as it actually is.

3. Have a vision session. Write in a journal, create a video, sketch—anything that lets you explore what excites you most.

4. Look for opportunities in a tough situation. Avoid a victim mentality, and opt instead for a “ready for new beginnings” attitude.

5. Remove something from your life that doesn’t serve you to make room for something better and new. You never know what you might let in when you let something go.

6. Commit to something you always say you’ll do but always fail to start and then take the first step right now.

7. Turn your focus from something don’t want to something you do want. This allows you to shift your energy from complaining to taking action.

8. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Positive energy creates positive results.

9. Identify the blocks that keep you from breaking a bad habit. Anytime you improve your habits, you pave the path for personal excellence.

10. Forgive someone if you’ve been holding a grudge. Removing that block will open you up where previously you’d shut down.

korang, tolong doakan aku boleh? boleh laa.. hari jumaat ni.. boleh laa... ea? ea?
thank you :)
*doa apa? doakan doa aku makbul... heee

selamat berpuasa sunat bagi yang berpuasa =)

*mencari makanan untuk sahur, yang MUDAH, SEDAP & BERKHASIAT?
shake aje, ini kalilah. heheee
InsyaAllah, Ramadhan ni, genap 1 tahun kami sekeluarga dengan Herbalife.
nak sihat jugak?

 | NURSISQA | Personal Wellness Coach | 0194574963 | |

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt
Dah Dhuha? dah Shake? =)

*zzz... tak habis2 shake... ehee.. mestilah.. ini kalilah sudah ubah
NOW, sarapan wajib untuk Jasmani, selepas sarapan Rohani kami sekeluarga is Herbalife Nutritious Shake.
ibuayah : ChocoDates shake
angah : VanillaChocoDates shake
me : YummyStrawberrySoy shake 

Berbalik pada topic. HOW boleh terWOW dengan HERBALIFE?
al-kisahnya, adalah sorang kawan ni,
*banyaknya mate. tapi now dah jadi HerbalifeMate <3 p="">
she is my one and only sponsor ----->>>   Hanisa Binti Mat a.k.a Ica Chuxxx

 - dak iQa & dak iCa -
dia ni lah yg introduce kan Herbalife to me. I was sceptic at that time. duduk sebilik dengan dia 2 sem.
"ape bende la Ica ni dok shake2 sihat2... aku breakfast Vico + Oatkrunch, sihat la tuh kan? "
kadang2 ade la naik scanner dia, berat okay la. 52kg+ ideal je. umur badan 19! visc fat 2-3.
tapi air kurang. dan. Body Fat % rupenya tinggi jugak. 27-28%. makin naik bila final exam.
banyak sangat makan Munchys Lexus. Rupa-rupanya, nak beli biskut pun kena pandai pilih.
Elakkan biskut yang ada jem or biskut lemak (creamcracker). kalau biskut oat or wheatmeal is okay.

Okay, so what. aku x gemuk pon. lagipun, semua product akan claim their products are the best.
sama lah macam dalam TV tu. apatah lagi yg x keluar TV.. haha
tapi, tengok testimoni yg ica tunjuk, aku tertarik dgn Abg Bob & Dr Kamarul punya story.

macam mana, orang sebesar ni boleh jadi kurus balik ? selama ni, rasa macam hanya dengan liposuction or slimming centre balut2 badan je boleh kurus.. (walaupun cam tak logic je nak bungkus orang.. hehe)

Abg Bob ni, dulu mak dia masakkan untuk dia & adik dia (macam dia jugak), sorang seekor ayam!
amazing tak? hehe.. start consume herbalife sebab umur 25 dah ada gout, kenicng manis, darah tinggi dll.
alhamdulillah, sekarang dah sihat & dah kawen pun. Tahniahh.  (*Abg Bob ialah Biggest Loser in Malaysia)

ha, nak dijadikan cerita, satu malam ni, TERpergi jamuan makan2 kat rumah sponsor Ica a.k.a my upline.
Uwais Atiqah namanya, ini lagi amazing punya budak. nak kenal dia? jom iQa bawak! ;)
haa. kat sini lah jumpa orang2 herbalife. *orang herbalife, kalau makan2, makan betul2 makan tau.. hee
after makan2 tu, ade macam recognition session ape n blablabla. and ada Abg Bob yg iqa dalam gambar!
so, that picture is not a lie. wow!! So, i start to believe that the product really works.
Bolehlah suggest kat ayah =)
(*ayah ye.. not me.. i dont need it.. hehe. jahil lagi bab nutrisi. ingatkan product kurus)
and ada lagi orang2 lain yg share testimoni. cakap2 pasal herbalife. pasal product, income. semuanya WOW!
betul2 wujud ke benda-benda camni? kanak-kanak sungguh aku ni. tau belajau jekk.. haha

lebihkurang camtu la. so, aku dah start support Ica. kadang2 teman dia. tolong bagi flyers sikit,
teman jumpe customer.
ouh, ha, thanks to Ain Nazam jugak sebab jadi roommate angkat kitorang. So, ada terinfluence jugak dengan dia. sebab dia consume product bukan sebab nak lose weight, tapi untuk KESIHATAN dan ibu dia pun sama, untuk KESIHATAN.
dan kebetulan, cousin iqa, Farahizzati Syazana pun ada tumpang bilik, so, terinfluence jugak :)
hujung2 sem6, barulah Ica berkesempatan nak datang rumah. Sbb Ica busy, ayah pun busy.
Tapi, ayah tak decide nak beli, tapi dia kesedaran tentang kesihatan dah meningkat la..
pastu, after final exam pulak, Ica ajak g customer day herbalife. dia ajak kawan2 aspuri BTS, tapi, ramai yg malas nak g, macam2 pendapat lah. Tapi Ica cakap dia dah beli tiket, so, aku & Safy pun teman jela dia g..


sampai lambat. dah penuh gila. kena duduk belakang. itu pun 1 kerusi share dengan Safy. =(
alahai. benda2 ni aku da  biasa dengar Ica cite kat bilik. (poyo gle..haha) blablabla
pastu sampai part Guest Speaker, Kak Maryam Izzati & Abg Hafiz, Ica ajak aku & Safy g depan sikit. kitorg berdiri sandar kat dinding. View lebih clear & lebih focus. Kebetulan aku tergerak nak record audio. Sampai sekarang aku suka dengar balik. Cerita diorang memang sangat inspiring. SERIUS! nak tau, kena datang event. Sekali JE.
Cuba lah datang. korang akan terWOW macam aku. ^_^

Balik tu, terus SEMANGAT nak balik cerita kat ibuayah. Sekali ayah cakap, takpayah laa.. aku T_T. huuu..
ica soh solat hajat, mintak buka hati ibuayah. aku siap dah kira-kira dah nak belikan produk guna duit sendiri.
tapi, manela cukup. kitorg memang daripada kecik tak dimanja-manjakan dengan duit.
Duit belanja ayah bagi memang cukup2 untuk makan, topup sikit, tambang bus, n simpan SIKIT je.
so, aku memang sikit sangat savings.. =( *terasa menyesal tak saving banyak2*
tiba-tiba, ayah agree nak purchase 4months program. Member fee RM98 use my money..

so, TERaccident lah jadi Distributor Herbalife. Automatic jadi Senior Consultant pulak tu..
tapi, tak minat pun nak buat jadi Wellness Coach or Distributor. nak Consume je.

haa.. tengok la tuh.. kalau x update, punya la lame. skali start type, panjang berjela :p
setakat tu jela HOW bole WOW herbalife, as consumer. 


next next entry, how-wow-wellness-coach + get income.

Selamat cuti2 Wesak esok  :)
Planning to do roadshow @Tasik Taman Bukit Komanwel, Seri Petaling pagi esok. 7.30am-9.30am.
Kalau nak buat ANALISA KESIHATAN PERCUMA, bole tahu 8 perkara dalam badan,
bole la buat appointment or just jog in. heheee *with Ica & Mayna-chan
then, InsyaAllah g Midvalley nak habiskan voucher buku sambil walk & talk n bg flyers..
petang kat Tasik Pemaisuri pulak.. SEE YOU THERE ^_^

 | NURSISQA | Personal Wellness Coach | 0194574963 | |

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Try put yourself in other people's shoes

Heart Touching Story…..with a Moral

A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call asap, changed his clothes & went directly to the surgery block.

He found the boy’s father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor.

On seeing him, the dad yelled: “Why did you take all this time to come? Don’t you know that my son’s life is in danger? Don’t you have any sense of responsibility?”

The doctor smiled & said: “I am sorry, I wasn’t in the hospital & I came as fast as I could after receiving the call…… And now, I wish you’d calm down so that I can do my work”

“Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now, would you calm down? If your own son dies now what will you do??” said the father angrily

The doctor smiled again & replied: “I will say what Job said in the Holy Book “From dust we came & to dust we return, blessed be the name of God”. Doctors cannot prolong lives. Go & intercede for your son, we will do our best by God’s grace”

“Giving advises when we’re not concerned is so easy” Murmured the father.

The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy, “Thank goodness!, your son is saved!” And without waiting for the father’s reply he carried on his way running. “If you have any questions, ask the nurse!!”

“Why is he so arrogant? He couldn’t wait some minutes so that I ask about my son’s state” Commented the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.

The nurse answered, tears coming down her face: “His son died yesterday in a road accident, he was at the burial when we called him for your son’s surgery. And now that he saved your son’s life, he left running to finish his son’s burial.”

MORAL : Never judge anyone….. because you never know how their life is & what they’re going through”

if this story touched your heart…..Share And Inspire Others. ♥♥

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