Tuesday, December 29, 2009

hw da ciap!! :))

29dec... 12:12 am.. bjy ciap kn hw tuh....lalala~~
pas2 xley tdo, try2 tacap2 lg.. 1:51 am ciap spnoh ny.. :))

 ni brg2 y k.sofea bg + stationeries sndr
[most of em, mayna pny..he2]

 welcoming chart.. ciap 27dec kot 

class rules
 ciap mlm td :)

 c o m p l e t e ;)

hw da ciapp.. s0oo, ley kms brg nk blik arauu.. uhuuu huuu huuu...
sob3 :(
em, + cari brg2 y da byk hlg tah ltk kt mne2 tah, esp brg angah.. hayh~~

5 days 2 go..
ouuhh arau....

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